Schools have many lines of communication to maintain: with parents or guardians, with other schools, with
the community, with outside agencies, and within the school. Good communication between the school and
the home is essential, and children achieve more when schools and parents work together. Parents can
naturally help more if they know what the school is trying to achieve.
Divya Public School recognizes the importance of forming this partnership in learning between home and
school, consequently productive parent school relationships are strongly encouraged. With this in mind,
the following guidelines are offered to clarify corporate office policy in respect of parental
involvement in their child’s education , and with our schools and also to recognize and celebrate the
many and varied activities that happen in our schools which rightly involve parents.
1. Home – School Agreement
- It must explain the school’s aims and values , the school’s responsibilities towards the children ,
the responsibilities of parents and what the school expects of the children and is incorporated in
the school diary.
- It should cover the standard of education , the ethos of the school , and the school’s expectations
regarding attendance , behaviour , homework and progress.
2. Formation of the PTA
- It is mandatory by CBSE to form a PTA with parent representatives from each class. The PTA will
meet with the Principal three times in a year.
3. Reports to Parents : Student’s Attendance and Achievements
- Every term the school must provide a written report to each child’s parents on the child’s
progress in the various subjects. This report will identify areas of strength and areas for future
- The school reports should be informative and helpful rather than descriptive.
- The subject reports should be free of jargon and ensure that parents will know what must be done to
help pupils improve.
- The mid – term reports may set targets for pupils to improve or invite pupils to write their own
targets following the comment from their teacher.
4. Home – School Diary/ Planner
- The home- school diary should enable parents to record information that they wish to share
regularly with the teacher.
5. Home – School Diary/ Student Planner
- Homework in the diary almanac is to be entered by the pupils.
- Teacher – Parent communication must be signed / countersigned by both.
6. Newsletter from School
- A newsletter must be sent to parents quarterly. it should contain general details of school events
and activities.
7. School Prospectus
- The prospectus must show case the school facilites and contain all school related information to
meet the prospective parent queries.
8. Letters to parent from the school
- All communication – letters or circulars to the parents will be signed by the Principal.
- A photocopy of any individual written communication (permission slips/warning letters etc.) with
the parents must be filed in the student’s record.
9. E-mail communication
- The school should encourage parents using email for regular communications.
10. Website communications
- The information on the school website regarding staff, activities and policies notices must be
updated regularly to give the parents a clear picture of the progress of the school.
- The school website should also provide an opportunity to display and celebrate pupil’s work.
11. Telephone Conversation
- Teachers must call parents.
- In case of absenteeism without information even if it for one day.
- If she / he has a concern related with the student’s welfare. if she / he has something positive to
- To fix up a meeting.
- Academic and behaviour concerns must not be discussed or communicated over the phone.
- The school must encourage the parents to share any issues about their child at the earliest
- In case of any problem teachers need to notify the Principal immediately.`
- In cases of emergency the parent may call up school and fix up an appointment with the concerned
13. Parent Teacher Meeting
- Parent teacher meetings should be scheduled at the end of each term. Teachers are , however ,
expected to hold conferences whenever it is necessary . The student’s need for help is the criteria
, not the time or number of previous conferences.
- Constructive criticism should be followed by suggestions and recommendations.
- During the interactions with the parents , teachers should support the child when possible ,
highlighting the positive aspects. The child should not be criticized unduly. During the
interactions with the parents , teachers should support the child when possible , highlighting the
positive aspects. The child should not be criticized unduly.
- Teachers must use this meeting as an opportunity to get feedback from the parents about their
teaching and must be open to criticism.
- The school must hold an Induction and orientation meeting for new parents before the commencement
of the new school year.
- Professional ethics demands that the teacher discourages discussion about colleagues.
14. Parental Permission for child’s participation in the school led
- All outdoor activities like field trips, inter school activities or school tours should be
undertaken with consent of the parents or guardians. Indemnity bonds/acknowledgement slips must be
signed by the parents/ guardians and filed in the student’s files.
- Parent’s evening or open day
- Annual School events or an Open day apart from serving as a social function may be used to seek
effective communication between parents and teachers.
- The Divya Public School difference in relationships with parents is that we encourage schools to
partner with parents through regular, pleasant, honest and an effective communication.
15. Communication within School
- Notice boards
- Notice board in the offices and staffrooms should be updated regularly to keep the staff informed
of all the activities and procedures in the school
- Information for the students should also be updated regularly on the notice boards in the
- The substitution list should be prominently displayed in all central areas by the time table in
charge so that no class remains uncovered.
- It is imperative to have a P. A system in the school
16.Electronic Communication
- All school members may communicate with others through e-mail. Members of staff should have their
own school provided email accounts.
- All-important notices, newsletters etc. should be circulated and signed by the members of staff. A
record of these notices must be filed and maintained.
18. Photographs
- Photographs should be used in and around school for displays, records of practical work and
important school events.
- Appropriate photographs of children or their work may be also used when communicating with parents
and the wider community, in newsletters, in the school prospectus or on school website.
19. Classrooms
- Classrooms notice boards should display useful student information – house lists, bus lists etc.
The information must be updated regularly. Exhibits to indicate achievement / success of individual
students should also be displayed.
- Individual student records must be maintained and updated in student’s files and later be forwarded
to the next grade, after the student is promoted.
- The following records have to be maintained by the class teacher.
- Attendence Register
- Lesson Plan Books
- Daily Plan book
- Homework Planner
- Student Anecdotal
- Class Display board
- Substitution timetable (to be displayed at central notice boards during the homeroom period)
- Every morning the substitution time table should be circulated among the staff members.
Substitution work to be set by the absentee staff member and handed over to the substitute teacher.
20. Morning Assembly
- Morning assembly may be used to make important announcements.
- Home room period
- Homeroom Period should be effectively used by the class teacher to communicate significant
information to inculcate values.
- During period the class teacher must take attendance, display the number of students present and
the names of the absentees on the board.
21.During Field Trips
- Students are to cooperate fully with and follow the instructions of all teachers and other
supervisory personnel.
- Students must be respectful and polite at all times.
- No possession or consumption of alcohol, illegal or controlled drugs, or smoking is allowed at any
time during the trip.
- No weapons, firearms or dangerous instrument may be purchased or used during the trip.
- No vandalism (destroying public property)
- Cleanliness of areas to be maintained
- No violation of local regulation.